
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Super something ....

Watched part of Superman Returns again. The scene where he was out in space, listening to the world, all the noises, of people crying for help ... having power can be a blessing ... or a curse.

With great power comes great responsibility. Yes, I know, this phrase is attached to another superhero, my favourite too. But it applies to all, as they have the ability to use their powers for the good of the human race, or abuse them.

Sometimes I wish I have some power, to be able to save the world. I have to accept the burden of having the ability to help. But then, I am already doing it without any superpower. But only helping some mundane things, helping fellow colleagues in a small world know as workplace. Sometimes I wish I can be less passionate. Sometimes I wish I can be a bad guy, so many times I told myself the bad guys get the rewards ... and the girls haha. Good guys only suffer.

I don't help others to expect something in returns. Like Superman in Superman Returns, when he stopped the plane from crashing into the stadium, the cheers from the crowd, their smiling faces, that is enough reward. Or is it? Maybe something in me wants something. Only thing is I don't ask. Maybe that is why I feel something is still missing in my life.

Life is complicated ... and short. If one misses something, one may never get a chance to find it back. That is reality.

I want to be Superman, or Spiderman. Maybe in a way ..... I am. So maybe this posting should be called Danceal Returns!

Hehe ..

Does it matter? ...

  • Parting is such ... - It is easy to miss someone, but hard to forget that person, especially you are close, have strong feeling for that person. So don't stay away, keep in touc...
    14 years ago

Thank you, for sparing your precious time with me

To me:

Even if you are no longer keeping in touch, I
will still care for you. I need you but I will not ask anything from


Next to needing a close friend, Dance is
everything .... and when I start losing the passion for dance, I know I have
lost my desire to live


my friend is less to serve me, rather it is more about
me making them happy


is important to me. It keeps me in touch with those who matter to me. It is what
prevent me from going insane. They don't understand, I don't blame them. I am
just a fool thinking that he is wanted.


I may not show I care, but I do
