
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Capitol Trip

Oh wow! It is December! One month to clear before 2008 ....

I haven't been blogging the last few days because I was away in Kuala Lumpur. And came back at night and work the next morning, didn't give me time to blog.

So ...

It was a good trip, though it wasn't a smooth start before the trip. So many disappointments but we finally went on Sunday. It was shopping and eating everyday. I believe my salary is all gone even before December. Hmm .. it is going to be a difficult christmas not able to spend freely .. haha.

This is me, well my shoe anyway, inside the coach.

I managed to persuade my dear to hang out at this open-air spot where a live band was performing. It was cool, hanging out with the mostly Malays audience, watching this malay band. Can't say much about their singing, but I enjoyed the atmosphere.

Soon it was time to go back to Sg. We only hungout at Bukit Bintang where we were staying. It saved us on taxi money since we were not there to tour, just eating and lots of shopping, and eating. I wish we could stay longer. But I suppose 3 nights and 4 days are good enough.

Before the trip, I had messaged to 3 dear people, got 2 replys, though I was a little apprehensive that I would hear from them at that time as most of the time they didn't reply. It is enough to be able to hear from them. It means a lot to me. Though I didn't mention about my trip, I had sent the smses because I need a friendly voice (in this case, sms) to comfort me, that it would be fine. I was feeling stress in a way. Maybe to them it was just another sms, but Nd and Z smses had comfort me, without them knowing. If only I could message more, but I suppose that would be too much to expect.

There are a few people I like to keep in touch with constantly. I want to know if they are alright but I am happy enough that I get any response from them once a while.

I have lower my expectation of getting friendship from those I care, but I will still give them all within me to be a good friend to them. For real friends are hard to get. I don't want to lose those I have found.

Does it matter? ...

  • Parting is such ... - It is easy to miss someone, but hard to forget that person, especially you are close, have strong feeling for that person. So don't stay away, keep in touc...
    14 years ago

Thank you, for sparing your precious time with me

To me:

Even if you are no longer keeping in touch, I
will still care for you. I need you but I will not ask anything from


Next to needing a close friend, Dance is
everything .... and when I start losing the passion for dance, I know I have
lost my desire to live


my friend is less to serve me, rather it is more about
me making them happy


is important to me. It keeps me in touch with those who matter to me. It is what
prevent me from going insane. They don't understand, I don't blame them. I am
just a fool thinking that he is wanted.


I may not show I care, but I do
