Today is Suhada's Birthday, Happy Birthday dear, may you have a wonderful birthday!
Losing people that I care about makes me ponder about friendship. Why do I bother so much about wanting a close friend? Eventually they will go their own way, forgetting about me. Not that I will truly gain their trust in wanting me as their close friend in the first place. They will not look for me if they need someone to confide. They have their other female friends, which probably they will feel closer with. I am willing but it is only a wish that will stay a wish. Even adik doesn't want to share with me her problems.
As long as people don't believe male/female can be close friends, really close platonic friendship, my dream will never come true. Not that I purposely go out and find any girl to ask if she want to be my close friend. And not everyone that I want as my friend I will share. Though I like adik and treat her like a daughter, I don't feel the need to want to confide with her. All I want is to help her with whatever I can .. if she allows me. I wrote about her in moblog long time ago when I started blogging, that wish still hasn't changed.
sometimes, someone will come into your life, and you feel comfortable with them, telling them about yourself that you will not talk about with others. I had felt that. Besides Christine, the only two other colleagues I was willing to share with was Su and then Nd. But all three wasn't willing to be my close friend. I still care for them, and still will even if we are not colleagues. That is being silly I know, not wanting to let go. But I suppose I need the dream, even if it will never come true. I want to feel wanted by them. All I can wish for is to be able to be of help if they ever need help or just be a listening ear. When you care for someone so much, it doesn't matter if they don't care about you. All that matter is that you can show your care for them.
In the beginning I had hope that having them as my friends, they can be my dear friends as well, as back then, she don't have any friend. They will be a family friends. Christine got along fine with my dear. Till she suddenly just decided not to be my friend. Both me and my dear lost. At least now my dear has friends from the gym. I am still without any. Colleagues yes, they exist only at workplace. I don't get to join them when they organise outside appointments. *sigh* I do feel disappointed, even during work whenever I see them making arrangement to meet up but not include me. But I am living with that. They don't see me as friends, just mere colleague. And colleagues don't have to hang around each other.
Soon, I will be losing Nd, just two days more. I didn't get much chance to work with her or the other, so they can't feel the closeness that one gets when working with someone all the time. I am not surprised I can't gain the friendship I wish from them. And without that chance of doing things together, I do not expect that things will be better in the future.
I am drained, frustration is so tiring. I want to close up my feeling but it isn't easy when I have someone in mind to tell it to. And yet can't. I don't want to, I told Nd when I accidentally spilled my problems to her. She always came to mind when I need to offload my thought, but I shouldn't. The way things are, all I want is to be there for her, no need for her to be there for me anymore. I am the one who sees her as a close friend.tha
She makes me tears 3 times in such a short time. When she gave me a christmas gift, then when she told me she is resigning. When I finally saw her name that she is finishing her contract from the amendment, thought I already knew it, I couldn't help stop the tears in my eyes. I am losing her ... really.
I do not wish to have someone close anymore, even if I am to find one again. Damn any feeling that I may feel towards someone. I don't want any expectation ... and ultimately disappointment, for it is always so. Yes, I did find closeness with someone before, but always it was so short a span before that person stopped. And I lost that contact with her. But before Christine about 5 years ago, I had never shared my feeling, she was the first that I found that I wanted to share and confide. And in the end, I found blogging as a release of my frustration.
Time and time again, I want to stop blogging as well. Maybe I should. Without the feeling of wanting to share, maybe I will be fine .... insanity is not a disease afterall.
Time is suppose to heal, but I don't want to heal. I want back my lost time.
I know a man is not suppose to cry, it is not macho .... but I can do nothing else, but to cry ....
Parting is such ...
It is easy to miss someone, but hard to forget that person, especially you
are close, have strong feeling for that person. So don't stay away, keep in
14 years ago