I couldn'g get the mtv, so am putting up this one instead.
Though I listen to his songs and admire his dancing, I wasn't really a fan but after watching his Lovesound concert, I admire him for being a great performer, an artiste who is a musician/singer/dancer. And there are not many like him.
CNY was like any day, I still worked. The rest of the days was spend shopping. I don't have anybody to visit, in a way that is good haha. Lucky for me some shops are opened from the second day onwards.
Valentine's Day is coming, will be working too, so will not have any real celebration. No flowers either, the same as many years before, but will give her flower on another day. V-Day is a commercial event, what is important is the relationship between couple on days beyond V-Day. But I did buy something for her.
What goes around .. comes around. Life is full of circles, if it is good things, that will be nice, but often, things we like to forget, we thought it will not happen again, but it does. Sad.
I felt a new pain ... If only they were there to help, ....