I have stopped reading comics a long time, I had to cut down my expenses back then, and till now, I only bought a few of those hard edition. I do miss reading comics, experiencing their lives as if I was part of them. I am sure other comics fans do as well. Time and time again, I wanted to start buying them, but I know once I start, it will be hard to stop, months after months of waiting in anticipation of the next issue to come out. And searching bookstores if one doesn't have that month issue. And the money that will be kept specially for my collection. It was an experience that I treasured as part of my childhood memory, but I don't want to start going through it again. I must be satisfied just catching the movies, animated or otherwise.
That said, I am looking forward to Iron Man, the movie, coming soon to our cinemas. Hopefully it will be as spectacular as Spiderman. For the record to those not familiar with the Marvel Universe, Iron Man is one of the Avengers at one time or another, the Avengers being a dynamic superheroes group whose members constantly changes.

As the leader of the Avengers will shout to rally the members: Avengers Assembled!