Do anyone read my blog? I doubt so. Not even Didy, which make me wonder why I bother to make a dedication haha. I wish they can read, the reason I started writing in the first place. I wanted them to know about me, just as much as I wanted to know about them.
People change. I do too, my expectation, my dream. But I will still care for them, those I long to have as my friends, yet till this day, I haven't been as successful as I wish it to be. I want to have friends who can be with me 10yrs or more from today, but I know that will not be possible. Stupid dream for a dreamer like me haha.
Friends ... I treasure friends, but I can only expect acquaintances, people who drift in and out of my life. Just like I do in theirs.
I will do my best to be the best acquaintance to drift into their lives, not expecting anything from them. That is my destiny .....
Danceal will be a friend to those he cares, regardless if they feel the same about him.
Parting is such ...
It is easy to miss someone, but hard to forget that person, especially you
are close, have strong feeling for that person. So don't stay away, keep in
14 years ago