If one can catches the right promotion, one can get cheap air tickets. It is a matter of timing. Well, I missed my timing.
First time I was at the Budget Terminal, not that bad looking, minimal but I suppose got what it takes to cater to passengers.

Going to our plane was back to the olden days, as no aerobridge so we had to walk across the hot tarmac to get to the aircraft.

As everyone knows, any food on board, one has to pay for it. So no free coffee or tea even. Maybe I should have paid more for a better airline, it costed only around $50 but when with the family, one had to times the amount and it costed alot. At this period, I have to save whatever I could. So budget airline it was.
We had been to KL a few times, but I guess being away to another country even if it was only Malaysia made it felt like a real holiday. As usual, there was the traffic jam. That was why I stayed in Bukit Bintang area, where I did not have to take a taxi during my stay, where shopping and food were a walking distance away. We didn't go beyond that, 3days were gone very fast. The kids preferred fastfoods so we ate those mostly. The fastfood in KL is much better than in Singapore, the menu there more varied.

We didn't do much shopping or eating as I wanted to. Some items were cheap, but didn't find anything for us. We did watch Terminator Salvation there, the only movie the kids were willing to watch. The great thing about staying in a hotel was the buffet breakfast, which my wife and I never missed haha. I wanted to eat durian but she wasn't keen, so had to forgo the taste. A few other food I had to skip too.
The kids got their wish, Pokemon movies that they couldn't get online or in Sg. It was the main reason they decided to follow. I was more interested in just me and the wife. Or with some friends. But that idea didn't work. With the kids, we were restricted to what they wanted to do. Anyway it was a family trip, I am satisfied.
It had always been where my daughter wanted to go when we went on a holiday trip, she had something in mind, deciding where we would end up in. I had always let her decided, I guess I am spoiled her. Both of them. But they are all I have.
I can only be a father once in this lifetime. I may not be there when they grow into an adult. If I can't give them what I can now, I may not have the chance in the future.
I know I am not a perfect father, I may not know all the answers and may not do what is right. I can only do my best, and hope that is enough.