I like to cook for her when she goes to the gym so she will have something when she comes back. When I have the time to cook of course haha.
Lately I have been cooking pasta without tomato sauces. Just some herbs, fresh tomato and whatever I can find. Zucchini is good. Simple but tasty pasta dishes. Pasta don't need tomato sauces.
Just last Saturday, there was this guy at Changing Appetite ordering Spaghetti Bolognese and he put tomato ketchup. It is an overkill to the spaghetti. I am sure the spaghetti will scream in horror if it has mouth. This guy was also a nightmare to any waiter. Heard him order his foods with so many conditions, and when one order was given wrongly, he blamed it on the waiter when actually it was found out that he had ordered the wrong thing. And he was now blaming it on the menu. He even had the nerve to said the waiter couldn't speak proper English when his wife was the one who was not conversant in the language.
It is sad to know that he is but one of the many people who is living among us!