I have a new handphone .. a Nokia 6110 Navigator
I have problem setting up my mms at first, finally took it to my ISP and they said something ahout it being locked and had to be reset. Why in the world do they want to do that, I just can't understand as mms is a basic function.
I realised that there are cafes and there are Cafes. Some are just passable with mediocre, to put it nicely, but there are those where you go in, you really enjoy the environment and services.
Yesterday I had gone down to NYDC and it is a world of difference compare to the cafe at Bugis Junction I went the night before. I can't remember the name, some terin or something, not worth remembering anyway. Hey, the one at Bugis even had a unwanted side dish, a baby coachroach. No, it is not a dish haha, just a unwanted visitor to my table, that I had to squash as it was getting too close to my fish and chip. Anyway, the meal at NYDC is definitely better too. The mudpie was nice, though I like the one at Changing Appetite. But can't really compare as it was a different flavour. I didn't have time otherwise would have gone to CA yesterday as it was Tuesday, and Tuesday is when the cheesecakes comes at 50% off. Yummy! NYDC cheesecakes looks nice too, will come another time for it hehehe.
Okay, feeling the urge to grab me an ice-cream from my freezer now haha .... always have an ice-cream in the fridge ..... and oh ya, chocolates too