Good vs Evil in everyone of us! Yes, Peter Parker has to decide who he really is or want to be. Revenge may be sweet, but what do we gain, besides satisfaction of seeing "justice" done? Only we ourselves have the answer.
A man is his own enemy. The battle is within as much as on the outside.
Boy, used to be when you need to take a leak, you could rush to the toilet within the hall and back in no time to carry on the show, costing only a few minutes. Nowaday, one has to go outside to look for the toilet, losing precious time and may make you lose ten minutes at least of your screen time. There were moments when I felt like crying at some tender scenes, but I had to hold back, as I feared that the liquid that flowed would be more than from my eyes. I had already taken a leak before the show started, mind you. Heck, less than an hour into the movie and I was feeling heavy on the bladder. Had to control till the movie end. What to do! Don't want to miss any part of the movie lah.
Spider-Man 3 also sees Peter dancing! I like it hahaha.
If someone will ask me if I want to see the movie again, I will gladly say yes. I know I will definitely get the dvd or vcd. And watch it on tv when it is telecasted haha.
As Stan Lee would say, Enuff said.
My ankle still hurts. And I haven't been dancing for a while. It will get worse if I performance again. But I need to .... to keep me going ..... now more than ever.